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Hitotsubashi ICS Campus Tour[5:30]
学生の声「グローバルで日本トップの英語のMBAプログラム| Yuji (MBA 2021)[4:05]
Developing a global business perspective at Hitotsubashi ICS | Yuji (MBA 2021)[3:42]
Global MBA in Japan - Hitotsubashi ICS | Osvaldo (MBA 2021)[3:37]
Diversity —the best word to describe Hitotsubashi ICS | Jinn (MBA 2020)[3:13]
Cultural diversity in Hitotsubashi ICS | Matthias (Class of 2018)[2:29]
Hitotsubashi ICS as a Life Changer | Chris (Class of 2018)[2:30]
Career Development at Hitotsubashi ICS | Cecily (Class of 2018)[2:07]
Student voice, Class of 2018 - Masa (company-sponcered)[1:59]
Student voice, Class of 2018 - She[1:58]
Alumni Spotlight : Ke Zun Chin (Sean, Class of 2015) (Japanese subtitles 日本語字幕)[5:35]
Alumni Spotlight:Vivek Kovilakathu (class of 2014) (Japanese subtitle 日本語字幕)[4:04]
Prof. Ken Kusunoki with es Networks Part 1 楠木建 × 株式会社エスネットワークス (1)[10:18]
Prof. Ken Kusunoki with es Networks Part 2  楠木建 × 株式会社エスネットワークス (2)[15:01]
Professor Hiroshi Ono: Diversity and International hires are long-term investment[6:23]
Hitotsubashi ICS Alumni Day 2019 - Digital Disruption[57:13]
Hitotsubashi ICS Alumni day 2019 The Arc of Life_Sherman Abe[30:06]
Hitotsubashi ICS Alumni Day 2019 Tim Bates[10:18]
ICS Alumni Day 2012[4:07]
The BEST Alliance at Hitotsubashi ICS[3:24]
ICS Family Day 2018[36:25]
Hitotsubashi ICS Alumni Day 2018[2:34]
Hitotsubashi ICS Global Network Week 2023 (full version)[15:57]
The Porter Prize 2021 | the top 3 companies with unique strategies to survive this VUCA era in Japan[12:02]
DXフォーラム2021 | 一橋大学でDXフォーラムを行う理由[5:32]

Visit Hitotsubashi ICS Chiyoda Campus in Jimbocho, Tokyo. Learn about the buildings, history, and student life! ------------------------------------------------------------- Hitotsubashi ICS is the No.1 all-English MBA in Japan (QS Rankings 2019). Today, it is the global face of the public Hitotsubashi University Business School (HUB) and offers English business graduate programs at the MBA, EMBA, DBA levels and in non-degree professional programs. Hitotsubashi University is a public, national institution, which began life as Japan’s first educational institute to teach business and commerce in the heart of Tokyo in 1875. Find out more about Hitotsubashi ICS and apply online:
Hitotsubashi ICS->教員紹介